Transfer Requests

Students may only transfer up to 12 CS credits from other universities towards their BYU undergraduate (BS) degree.

If you would hope to transfer some courses, first please see our approved transfer list. If you see your course listed, please contact the Advisement Center to get that transfer officially on your records (it won't count until you do so).

If you do not see your course or university listed, please determine what classes you think should transfer by searching and finding equivalent courses on the Class Schedule. Take your proposed list of transfer classes to the Faculty Undergraduate Advisor, Daniel Zappala. Please be sure to bring your proposed list of transfer classes, your ABC report and your transcripts with you to the meeting.

Substitution Requests

Students may submit requests to substitute classes in place of their required classes for their CS major or minor. This requests are only occasionally approved. All requests should be made to the Faculty Undergraduate Advisor, Daniel Zappala.